Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008

Ayam bakar Wonk solo

Indonesian Food @ Ayam Bakar Wong Solo, Taman Dagang, Ampang

Previously when I did a post on
Ayam Penyet Ria at Sunway Mentari, I was told about a similar place in Ampang. Feeling adventurous one day, we decided to check it out at Ampang. Located next to the Galaxy Mall where you can get loads of Korean foodstuff and imported items, the restaurant occupies a relatively large space of two shop lots.

Tofu and Tempe Goreng (RM4)

This particular restaurant is part of a successful franchise built in Yogyakarta, Indonesia by Puspo Wardoyo. They have also been awarded the Superbrands and Enterprise 50 awards. The owner is also known in Indonesia for his many wives which he claims is the source of his success. If you visit the restaurant, you'll see the aptly named Poligami Juice as a drink on the menu. Don't worry it's just milk with soda water which tastes pretty refreshing.

Empal Sapi (RM5.50)

Order your meal from the pretty extensive menu. Each main order comes in a clay plate with a vegetables and the all important sweet soy sauce. Use it to dip fried tofu and tempe (fermented soybean). If you prefer spicy versus sweet, they also serve sambal. Our favourite was their Empal Sapi - thin beef filet which was slightly pounded to make it flat and fried. The meat is tender and delicious when eaten alone or with the sweet sauce. Definitely a must order here.

Pecel Lele (RM5.50)

I had to satisfy my cravings for this - Pecel Lele which is essentially deep fried ikan keli (catfish). The fish was nice and crunchy that you could even eat the bones. Topped with the crunchy batter bits, I was happy reliving memories about this dish which I once ate at Jakarta.

Ayam Bakar (RM5.50)

Strangely enough, their namesake dish was overshadowed by the Empal Sapi and Pecel Lele. Although the chicken was juicy and had the slight smoky taste from grilling it, I felt it was pretty ordinary.

Sayur Asam (RM5)

They also serve a variety of vegetable dishes like Gado Gado, fried bean sprouts (taugeh), fried spinach (kangkung) but we went for the traditional Indonesian dish, sayur assam. Served with a slightly tangy soup, there were a variety of vegetables like a corn on a cob, brinjals, long beans, potatoes and peanuts.

The restaurant also has a branch at Kampung Baru which is near the Masjid Jamek but it's a smaller place with limited parking spaces.

Ayam Bakar Wong Solo
No. G18 & G19
Jalan Dagang B/3A
Taman Dagang
Kuala Lumpur

Tel No: 03 – 4270 1947

(Halal. Note the word Halalan Thayibban on their signboard means Di Tanggung Halal in Indonesian language. The restaurant is open from 11.45 am to 11.30 pm daily. To get to this branch, drive down Jalan Ampang, at the second traffic light after Ampang Point, make a right turn to Taman Dagang. Go straight and make a right turn when you see the police station. Go straight and you'll pass a mall on your left hand side, the restaurant is at a row of shophouses on your left hand side which face a gated community of houses. This place is located near Nong & Jimmy)

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others. The reviewer also declares that she has not received any monetary or non-monetary compensation from the restaurant for writing this review.

Resep Sate ayam

Sate Ayam

Sate Ayam

  • 2 buah dada ayam
  • 1 sdm minyak goreng
  • tusuk sate

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:

  • 5 butir bawang merah
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 1 sdt ketumbar
  • 2 cm kunyit
  • 1 sdt asem jawa
  • garam secukupnya
  • gula jawa secukupnya
Cara Membuat Sate:
  • Pisahkan daging dada ayam dari tulangnya.
  • Potong daging ayam sesuai selera. Biasanya 1x2x2 cm.
  • Aduk potongan ayam dengan minyak goreng dan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan lalu diamkan selama 15-30 menit supaya bumbu meresap.
  • Kemudian, tusukan 3-4 potong daging ayam pada setiap tusukan sate.
  • Panggang sate di atas bara api sampai sate matang, jangan lupa sate perlu dibolak-balik waktu memanggang.
  • Sate siap dihidangkan dengan membubuhkan Sambel Sate diatasnya lalu taburkan irisan bawang merah di atas Sambel Sate.
  • Sate paling enak kalu dimakan sewaktu masih panas.

Untuk 24 tusuk.

Lamb Rices (Nasi kebuli)

Lamb Rice
(Nasi Kebuli)

  • ½ cup water
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 3 cloves garlic, sliced
  • ¼ cup sliced onion
  • 2 Tbs. curry powder
  • 3 lb. boneless lamb, cut into 2-inch cubes
  • 2 salam leaves
  • 5 pieces of jeruk purut, or 5 square inches of lemon peel
  • 5 cups coconut milk
  • 4 cups rice, rinsed well in cold water
  • 1 cup reserved lamb sauce
  • Aluminum foil
  • In a blender, make a paste of the water, sugar, salt, garlic, onion and curry powder. Put the lamb in a large saucepan, and pour this sauce over it. Cook for ten minutes over medium heat; then add the salam, jeruk purut and 2 cups of the coconut milk. Cook for about one hour or more, or until the lamb is soft. There should he about 1 cup of sauce remaining in the pan; reserve it.
  • In a large saucepan, combine the rice with the reserved lamb sauce and the remaining 3 cups coconut milk. Bring to a boil, and stir several times. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and allow the rice to absorb the liquids for fifteen minutes. Place the rice on a square of aluminum foil in a Chinese-style steamer, and steam for twenty minutes to complete the cooking.
  • To serve, put the lamb in the center of a large serving platter and cover it completely with a mound of the steamed rice.

Makes 8 servings, with other dishes

Nasi Ayam Hainan

1 (2 pon) ayam
1 bawang prei, potong ukuran 1 inci
4 iris jahe kupas segar
6 sendok makan minyak sayur, atau minyak ayam dari lemak ayam
6 sampai 8 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
4 cangkir beras berbutiran panjang, telah dicuci dan ditiriskan
1 sendok teh garam

Campur untuk Membuat Saus Cabai
2 sampai 3 sendok makan perasan jeruk nipis atau lemon, 5 sendok makan cabai merah cincang halus, 5 siung bawang putih, cincang, 3 sendok makan jahe cincang halus, 1 sendok teh garam, 1 /2 cangkir kaldu ayam panas

Cara Membuat
Didihkan satu panci besar air. Isi rongga dalam ayam dengan bawang prei dan jahe. Masukkan ayam ke dalam air mendidih, dengan dada di bagian bawah. Kecilkan api sampai mendidih perlahan, tutup sampai hampir matang seluruhnya, sekitar 40 menit. Rendam ayam dalam air es sampai ayam cukup dingin, agar terasa kenyal dan empuk. Panaskan minyak dalam rice cooker, masukkan bawang putih, lalu tumis sampai wangi. Masukkan beras, tumis selama dua menit, masukkan garam dan kaldu ayam secukupnya sampai menutupi 1/ 2 inci d atas beras. Didihkan dengan api besar, kecilkan api saat terbentuk buih, lalu tutup dan kukus selama 30 menit sampai nasi masak. Potong ayam dan sajikan dengan nasi kukus panas dan saus sambal. Kecap asin kental merupakan pelengkap yang lezat.

gambar kue unyil

Kombinasi Kue Unyil

Beberapa kombinasi kue unyil

Pukis, Kue ku, Pisang Gulung Keju, Sosis Solo

Prol Roti, Putri Mandi, Sosis Solo, Kue Ku

Sus Ragut, Bolu Mini Keju, Kue Ku, Sosis Solo

Resep Kering tempe

Kering Tempe


  • 3 kotak tempe, potong korek api kecil
  • 50 gr teri medan
  • 50 gr kacang tanah
  • 3 siung bw putih, iris halus
  • 4 siung bw merah, iris halus
  • 1 bh cabe merah, iris halus
  • 2 ruas ibu jari lengkuas
  • 2 sdm gula pasir
  • 50 gr gula jawa/merah
  • 1 sdm kecap manis
  • 2 sdm air asam
  • 1 lbr daun salam
  • 3 lbr daun jeruk
  • 1 sdt garam secukupnya
  • Minyak utk menggoreng

Cara Membuat

  • Tempe, teri, dan kacang tanah digoreng hg kering, sisihkan
  • Goreng bw putih dan bw merah hg harum lalu masukkan cabe, daun salam, daun jeruk, dan lengkuas
  • Masukkan gula pasir, tunggu hg larut
  • Tambahkan gula jawa, garam dan kecap, tunggu hg meng-karamel
  • Tuang air asam, aduk rata, tunggu hg hilang uap airnya
  • Matikan api, masukkan tempe, teri dan kacang, aduk cepat2 dan rata

Resep Kue kastengle



  • 200 gr margarin/mentega
  • 3 btr kuning telur
  • 250 gr tepung terigu
  • 25 gr tepung maizena
  • 150 gr keju cheddar parut
  • 1 sdt kaldu bubuk (optional)


  • 1 btr kuning telur kocok
  • Keju cheddar parut utk taburan

Cara Membuat

  • Kocok margarin dan kuning telur hg pucat dan lembut
  • Masukkan keju parut, aduk pelan hg rata
  • Tambahkan campuran tepung terigu dan maizena yg telah diayak
  • Aduk perlahan hg rata
  • Cetak menggunakan cetakan kastengel atau cetakan kue kering bentuk lainnya *kali ini aku pakai cetakan bentuk daun*
  • Olesi kuning telur, lalu taburi keju parut
  • Oven dg subu 150 derajat hg kue matang, kurleb 15 menit